Registration Open for 2023 Forum and Annual Meeting
Join us for the 2023 Forum and Annual Meeting of the Indiana Barn Foundation on Saturday, July 15 at the Hopewell Barn in Urbana (near Wabash).
We are pleased to announce that timber framing specialist Rick Collins, owner of Trillium Dell in Galesburg, IL, will be our guest speaker. His talk is entitled, "Practical Stewardship: Barns and Historic Timber Structures - How everyday folks can save and preserve their timber buildings." Every building faces a common set of challenges. As a result, the areas likely to in need of repair are predictable, and corresponding best practice repairs are the same. This overview and discussion are helpful to put things that might seem complicated, into perspective. Gain a broad understanding of how an individual, a family, or a lightly funded/small organization can maintain and care for a timber framed building now and into the future. Take home practical tools that will allow you to know your building better and anticipate what it will need. We’ll review a broad range of completed projects to illustrate each section. Rick's talk is being sponsored by the Cornelius O'Brien Lecture Series at Indiana University.
Following his talk, we will have an "Ask Rick" session and he will be on hand throughout the day for additional questions. Additionally, we will have a panel discussing barn reuse, a break-out session about the County Rep program and more including IBF annual meeting business. And as always, food and great fellowship with other barn owners and enthusiasts!