2022 Barn Preservation Grants Awarded
The Indiana Barn Foundation awarded four grants in 2022 for the Barn Preservation Grant. The Foundation annually awards at least two matching grants for $2500 each, obligating the recipients to match that amount from their own funds, funds from another source, or in-kind labor.
Congratulations to all and thanks for your willingness to save your barns!
The 2022 Recipients are:
Paul Raake of Palmyra in Harrison County.
The grant will be used for repair of structural supports.
Joe Stutzman of Washington in Davies County.
The grant will be used for roof and structural support repairs.
Some may recall seeing the "before" (left photo) of the Stutzman barn during the 2022 barn tour in Davies County. The photo on the right shows some of the "after." While there is more work to be done on the overall project, the barn grant provided funding for a variety of roof repairs which is critical to keeping a barn standing.
Doug Keesling of Muncie in Delaware County.
The grant will be used for footer and foundation repair.
Jared and Chantel Seale of Scottsburg in Scott County.
The grant will be used for roof repair.