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County Representatives

Indiana Barn Foundation County Representatives are the working force behind the organization.  Our goal is to have county representatives in each Indiana county. Responsibilities include:​​

-Recruit members for IBF from your respective county.

-Communicate with interested barn owners, historical societies, local news media and others about IBF barn tours, IBF Annual Meeting barn and other IBF activities, link barn owners with resources (those listed on the IBF web site), and distribute other information as communicated by IBF

-Identify barn owner needs and communicate this to IBF

-Assist IBF with a barn inventory in your county.

-Notify IBF when a barn in your area is in danger of demolition.

-Advocate with legislators when state barn conservation is being considered.

If you are interested in learning more about IBF county representatives, complete the form below and someone will contact you.  If you are already a county rep, click the "County Reps Page" button above to be directed to a private page that provides information and updates.  

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