Come together with fellow IBF members to talk about saving Indiana's barns!
Join Indiana Barn Foundation President, Kent Yeager, for a member information Zoom meeting on Tuesday, January 31, from 7:00 to 8:00 PM.
Learn how we are working toward our mission of “Supporting the preservation of historic Indiana barns” and how you can be part of that effort.
The meeting will begin with brief overviews on some of the following with time for your questions and comments:
The history of the Indiana Barn Foundation
IBF’s barn booklet, “Indiana’s Heritage Barns: Their History, Uses, and Preservation”
IBF’s newsletter, the “Hoosier Barn Chronicle”
Technical Assistance
The 2023 Annual Meeting on July 15th at The Rustic Barn at Hopewell in Urbana, IN
The 2023 Barn Tour this fall headquartered at the International Circus Hall of Fame in Peru, IN
Ways members can become more engaged with the IFB mission, including information on the board, county representatives, or committee opportunities.
We hope you can join us!
If you can join us, please RSVP to and we will send you the Zoom link.

Indiana barns are disappearing fast. Every year, we drive by familiar farmsteads and shake our heads as we watch the collapse of another iconic symbol of the Hoosier Heartland. While Indiana still has more barns per square mile than all but five other states, the financial incentives to rehab old barns lag behind efforts in other states.
Barn News
Keep up with what's in the news concerning heritage barns. In addition to interesting articles and videos on barns in Indiana, we will occasionally post articles from historic barn enthusiasts from around the County. This is the place to learn what the IBF and other preservation groups are doing to save our barns!
Get Involved
There are several ways to get involved to help save Indiana barns. The first is to join the organization. Your membership gives you access to great information and educational events. Another way is make a donation. You can donate in memory or in honor of a loved one or someone who loves barns! Also, consider contributing to the Mauri Williamson Legacy Endowment.
Barn Tour
Click the Events link for details on the 2023 barn tour when available.
Tax Incentive
Tax deduction for your heritage barn. Click here
Information about the Mauri Williamson Legacy Endowment
Keep informed with what's happening with the IBF.