Notes from IBF County Representative Meeting
July 18, 2015
Individuals interested in serving as a county representative met at the Annual Meeting led by Janet Ayres. After introductions, Janet discussed the responsibilities of being a county representative.
IBF County Representative Responsibilities:
Recruit members for IBF from your respective county.
Communicate with interested barn owners, historical societies, local news media and others about IBF barn tours, IBF Annual Meeting barn and other IBF activities, link barn owners with resources (those listed on the IBF web site), and distribute other information as communicated by IBF
Identify barn owner needs and communicate this to IBF
Assist IBF with a barn inventory in your county.
Notify IBF when a barn in your area is in danger of demolition.
Advocate with legislators when state barn conservation is being considered.
An open brainstorming/sharing session was held. Most of the discussion centered on conducting a barn inventory in each county. The following are ideas, suggestions and questions.
Barn Inventory Comments:
What are the criteria for identifying barns? Does it matter if they have been moved?
How to judge the barn's condition?
What is the purpose of the inventory? How will it be used?
Plat book or access to Google Earth would help with the inventory
Sample forms need to be on IBF web site
IUPUI Interim studies do not include barns
Up-dated SHAARD reports
Wayne County has conducted barn inventory with over 600 barns. The inventory form was shared.
Go to Beacon in your county auditor's and assessor's office to get information about barn owners
Representatives need a list of what they should and should not do as they contact barn
owners — how to contact barn owners, what to say, how to respect private property,
etc. Is it important to let local official know what you're doing? Should you have written
permission to go on private property?
Other Ideas/Comments
•Representatives need to have a business card to identify him/herself with barn owners.
It should have the IBF web site address. T-shirts would be good.
Representatives need flyers about IBF, information about membership, and armed with other relevant information to pass on to barn owners
Handouts about IBF could be placed in local farm stores, Rural King, etc.
Representatives could conduct local barn tours
Should contact the local historical society
Information is needed on the IBF website with tools and resources
Press releases that they can provide to the local news media about IBF, the tax code, inventory, etc.
Look into "Love Your Barn", "39 Degrees North"
Check into Dale web site
Will need to enlist help. Call upon local Farm Bureau members
Have a booth at the county fair
Know about grant opportunities in your local community
Have an on-line presence. Have a Facebook page.
Have a photographic barn contest and give away a prize such as a barn plaque. (Dorrel
Harrison, Scott County, volunteered to give one away.)
USDA aerial photos, Indiana Historic Aerial photos (IHAPI). Lou Malcomb, IU Librarian