We need help with our barn. We have an 1851 barn on our property near Peru, Indiana. It is in bad shape. Has been for quite a while. I'm not sure if the family is interested in restoration. More likely there is interest to sell the amazing beautiful beams and wood to help with expenses of the main house on the same property which needs a new roof. I tried to send a message to info@indianabarns.org but no one answered me and time it is a wastin'! Can someone please help us?! Any leads?
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We Want to Sell our Old 1851 Barn Wood - ESTIMATES
We Want to Sell our Old 1851 Barn Wood - ESTIMATES
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Obviously Paul is correct when it comes to grants. But there are other options I had hoped he might be able to discuss with you, something that seems best done in person in learning your situation and needs. For instance, if a property qualifies for the National Register, Indiana Landmarks does have a grant program to help assist in paying the cost of hiring someone to complete it. Being listed then opens the door for tax credits. I also know that unless a property owner happens to be an architect, contrcator or otherwise experienced in building restoration and repair, the trained eye of someone like Paul or Duncan Campbell, myself or various others can help a property owner gather a true assessment of what requires immediate attention or what might not, and most importantly from Duncan's perspective, how a property owner can very, very often handle repairs for much less. Duncan rehabilitated his own 1850s barn with the help of a local contractor. perhaps he and Tim can connect after Tim's visit.